High School Selective Studies

Selective Studies for Grades 8-12

Selective Studies at Providence offers a unique academic support program for high school students who have a diagnosed condition that adversely affects their learning.

Teachers in Selective Studies understand the various neurodevelopmental profiles of teens with mild to moderate learning disabilities and/or ADHD. 

Students who qualify typically range from average to gifted in intelligence but struggle with cognitive processing, memory or executive function deficits. Learning differences are as diverse as the students we serve. 

High School Selective Studies students participate in regular classes and do not require a smaller class size or curriculum modifications to meet their learning needs. 

The high school program is not designed for students with social or behavioral deficits or who require lower student/teacher ratios, a slower pace, or modified curriculum.

Requirements for Participation In Selective Studies Grades 8-12:

  • A comprehensive Educational Psychological Evaluation by a licensed psychologist diagnosing a condition that adversely affects learning, such as a learning disability or ADHD
  • Cognitive ability in the average or above average range
  • Demonstrated ability to master college prep curriculum
  • Desire to compete in a fast-paced, competitive learning environment 

Two types of support are available to Selective Studies students: Monitored Students or Study Skills class. 

Monitored Students (Students with Accommodations)

Monitored students have access to a variety of accommodations to support their learning needs. Based on the educational psychological evaluation, a unique Evaluation Summary and Treatment Plan is created to communicate the student’s strengths and needs to teachers and document their unique accommodations. Consistent with Providence’s philosophy of collaboration between school and home, success of the treatment plan depends on equal support from the school, the student and the parent. 

Students with accommodations for testing in a quiet place, alternative test presentation, or extended time on tests have access to the supervised test lab. Additional flexibility is provided for scheduling final exams, along with assistance in applying for accommodations on standardized testing such as the SAT or ACT. Parents continue to be responsible for monitoring their child’s school performance and their use of accommodations.
A list of High School Accommodations offered at Providence can be found.

Study Skills Class

Study Skills is an elective class for qualified Selective Studies students.  In addition to Accommodations, students in the Study Skills class will also receive instruction in learning, and the supportive relationship of a teacher who understands their struggles.  See the list of High School Accommodations here. Our high school Selective Studies teacher is trained to support students with various mild to moderate learning disabilities and all types of ADHD. The classroom is a refuge for students and is furnished with comfortable seating, high and low light settings, a snack area and enclosed quiet study rooms. Skills directly taught, modeled and practiced with students include: 

  • Understanding of individual learning styles
  • Planning for learning
  • Organization of materials
  • Organization of information
  • Study strategies
  • Prioritization
  • Independence and self-advocacy skills 

An annual Educational Support Team (EST) meeting with the student includes the student’s parents and teachers to review the supports in place, evaluate student progress and discuss student goals. Social, academic, and organization skills learned and practiced in Selective Studies will support students with learning challenges at Providence and prepare them to successfully transition to independent college and career life.
For more information on tuition costs click here. 

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